this gonna be a long post
with over-due pictures
with Aishah and Desmond at marina last wed i guess
Back to east coast
had a really fun day two days infact
@ East Coast had loads of fun
but no pictures forget my camera
and picnic cum bbq cum stayover is for celebrating
Bob`s and Afiq b`dae
well they arrived in the early aftearnoon
so Desmond and i went meeting them later on
after buying things and guess what
Desmond was late
for 1hr? and to him a little while only eh
then had a lil walk to east coast to meet rest of the gang
we went a little fishing
and then for a swim
and back for fishing at "longkang"
well i caught fish OK!!
and next i went shower and shortly
all activities pause
we had to pitch tent at the legal camp site
so we moved house
and so we stayed there happily ever after
and activities resumed
i went for a little fishing chit chatted sang songs!!!
smoked....and the others set up the bbq
and soon after food was ready
roamed about slacking here and there
life there was peaceful
no disturbance
we had our fun till around 1+ i guess?
ID bought the cakes and we celebrate took pic with hp...
then after that lazed around talking till wee hours
and we went fishing till dawn!!
so goddamn tired man!!!!
went to sleep around 6+ in the morning
woke up round 8-9 i guess
had breakfast at macs and went back to join them
some of them went back home
went back had a chit chat and soon Turi and bf went to get lunch
ate lunch and went back to sleep
hell hot man!!!
ok then slacked for a little while before going home
thanks yati,faiz,bob,afiq,turi and bf,desmond and rest of the gang i had fun!!!
now for the late pictures yawns so tired
late pictures yaw!!!
late pictures
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