Here is someone that i really love alot and i mean alot.
She is my happy pill,she somehow irritates me.
Somehow i felt close to her in a special way.
Our relation start off jus like that as plain strangers.
When i first saw her, i was just a little bit shy like usual.
Soon after we clicked very well.
And guess what i bought her to wherever i go to.
Even if majority is my friends.
And even if i didn`t spent much time with her alone.
Infact there wasn`t really much of dating but more of going out together and get to know each other friends.
I did many things i never did before?
Buying flowers for girls?-she was the first.
Going to her house in the morning from Bedok to Woodlands?She is the first.
Getting Chocolates,Apple juices,Sandwich for breakfast was something new.
Getting my piercings out even my mom couldn`t?-She managed to.(i gave in btw)
Crazily sneaking into Malaysia without my parents knowing and stayed for 4days?
Overnight at ECP cycling like a bull supposedly to ton but fell asleep?
Having someone sister sticking to me like a chewing gum.
Staying over at her house with almost all her relatives?
Getting bitten?-It hurts more than anything u can imagine.
Having a girl to treat me to food and all.
Meeting all her friends in cheer which i felt so awkward at first.
She being angry and me doing the dumbest stuff jus to see her smile?
Wearing someone`s shorts so tight that almost suffocate my little bro?
There wouldn`t be enough space if i were to type everything out.
She is as cheeky as a monkey,
with teeth like vampire,
as clumsy as a hippo,
irritating like a cow.
leaving me with fun and laughter , peace and joy
weird and funky memories but kinda fun in someways.
In just such a short time i believe u have not fully trust me, i`m thankful that i had a chance to develop a relationship with u and time spent with u was one of those happiest day although its a mus to be merajok with me every time u see me, u might be angry with me sometimes and i`m sorry about silly little unhappiness that happened.I know u`ve been pretty jealous about those friends i have out there but u`re the only one i felt comfortable with. I may not be as sweet as some others out there but do remember there is only one 'me'. I never gave in so much to people and i tried to be as sweet as i can be and use up all my tricks in making u laugh And its up to u whether to trust me or not.I won`t force you just follow your heart to wherever u think u would be happy.
I`ve never regretted knowing u.
T.a.p.i. I Love You
In a healthy relation couple that face a problem together is the strongest, because man and women are from different planets and do not always share the same views and so partners should not always expect to get the reaction they have in mind and staying as one instead of quarreling would allow both partners to understand or be able to see or feel what the opposite are feeling and thus it`ll bond their relationship more stronger.
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